
Friday, December 16, 2011

My Wipocalypse 2012 list

Well I definitely think I am crazy! I have entered a challenge. So I am going to sit here and try to list what I want to stitch and finish. So here goes nothing.

  1. All Hallows Eve (HAED)
  2. Victory Garden by Paula Vaughn
  3. Patchwork Village by Linda Myers
  4. Fly Butterfly (HAED)
  5. Cleopatra Queen of Egypt (HAED)
I think that is all I am going to try and do for now. I am just to stretched to try and add anything else to it. I would never get anything done.


  1. Glad you're joining us, and good luck getting lots of progress!! And don't worry about finishing; The WIPacolypse is all about the progress. You show your progress on the new moon each month, and that's all. You don't have to finish everything during the year like you do with the CJC.

  2. Hi Jennifer... Thanks for joining the WIPocalypse! I wanted to confirm that I've added you to the participant list, and I look forward to seeing all of your progress pics for next year.

    Happy holidays!

  3. Thanks Measi and Julie. I am excited. I am hoping even though this isn't about finishing anything, that it will help me to finish something lol.
